Opening hours

Opening hours of all locations

Opening hours listed below reflect regular operations. Please note that hours will vary during school holidays, public holidays, and special events. They are also subject to change without notice due to scheduled maintenance, unscheduled closures, or weather-related factors.

We recommend checking the location pages for each facility for the most up-to-date details before your visit. For a summary of special operating hours from 23 December 2024 to 2 January 2025, click here.

Village Pools: Greenwell Point, Shoalhaven Heads and Milton village pools will close Sunday, 23 March 2025. Berry and Kangaroo Valley village pools will close Sunday, 30 March 2025. Season pass prices for Berry, Greenwell Point, Shoalhaven Heads and Milton village pools have been pro-rated to reflect the adjusted season length.

Village pools

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